"After His Absence"

“In this place, all that he knew bore no weight. It disappeared into the quiet ache of his heart…into the green shadows of this being. Like the bricks behind him, slowly, quietly, disappearing beneath the curls and whorls…Soon they would be just another piece of this place, another secret, but for now they were his reminder. His piece of something he had no more, and soon, the symbol for what he was and what he was becoming… It didn’t matter…he was home and here, now, he was happy. He snuggled deeper into the cocoon of branches…and listened to his heartbeat…a heartbeat to fill the hole his absence had left. Fingers twined themselves in the moss, face pressed into the rough cushiony surface…he breathed…and the forest breathed with him. It murmured softly into his ear, sighing happily at the feeling of that little heart beating…and remembered another face. Wind hissed through the leaves, and the little one buried himself deeper into the greenery with a soft sound. They could be happy…for a while.”

A beautiful little story and accompanying artwork of Faeren by Ash!

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