I couldn’t resist a sketch of River and Eleven in classic/improvised Timelord costumes. Poor Eleven…he can feel the cool draining right out of him. Undoubtedly the real reason he stole a TARDIS and fled Gallifrey all those years ago. XD
The Doctor doesn’t share my opinion of Timelord attire (I happen to think it’s epic), as he’s spent most of his life defining his own unique and ever-changing sense of fashion (which at times includes twenty-foot scarves and celery sticks and…well, Six, anyone?), and collecting an enormous wardrobe from all over the universe and throughout its history. Anything and everything, I imagine, to avoid having to wear this again. I had way too much fun with this.
Thank you to Matthew for giving me a few moments to sketch for play between work projects. ^__^
Doctor Who is copyright BBC.
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