"Just Admit It…You Like Me"

“So…like, you’re lyin’ on the battlefield with an arrow for a decoration, and everybody homes in on it like a beacon and they start pryin’ it out WHILE you’re conscious, and you’re thinkin’ “Ahh! Don’t trouble yourselves, just leave it in there for goodness’ sake! I got it first, it’s mine! Don’t touch it! I can use it to hang stuff on and–aahh!” And then when you finally faint from all the pain, they shake you and shout your name and try to wake you up, and you’re thinkin’ “Heeeeeeell no, I ain’t comin’ back to that! Why d’you think I fainted in the first place?!” Then they get all frantic-like and such and start hollerin’ “Don’t die on me, man!” and you’re thinkin’ “The only one gonna die here is you if you don’t quit shaking me!””
-Jason, on getting shot-

Hee, Jason is one of my favorite characters, and I somehow haven’t drawn him since 2003. o_O; I discovered this criminal fact when putting together his art-progress chart, and had to remedy it immediately. Painting this took far too long, but it was very good anatomy practice, hee. The words “Mine- Leave it be!” are etched in the wood of his crossbow, if you’re wondering what the letters are. XD The background is actually from another pencil piece I was working on, but never finished.

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